Friday, November 22, 2013

The Power of Music

It is well known that music  and a person’s mood go hand in hand. But how much can music really affect someone’s mood? The answer is a lot. When you hear that certain song; that certain combination of notes; that certain beat -- it has the power to change my mood from sad to happy, happy to sad, stressed to calm, etc. For me, music is an important aspect of my life. It is therapeutic. Whether I’ve had a bad day and need some sad music to make me feel less alone, or I’ve had an amazing day and just feel like belting my favorite songs because I’m happy to be alive, music is always there.
If you were to look through my ipod, you would find at least one song from every genre imaginable. It ranges from Hip Hop/Rap to Film Scores to Country and even some Show Tunes. I’m always prepared for whatever music my mood demands. Why limit yourself to one genre or one type of music, when you can enjoy them all. each type, each artist relating to a different part of your life. Let me paint a picture for you. I’m on my way to my volleyball match, but I just woke up from a long nap and all I want to do is go back to sleep. What do I do? Sure, a caffeinated drink might help, but why spend money on that when I can have my own form of caffeine pouring out of my speakers. I get in the car and turn on some hardcore rap with a nice, fast-paced beat to get me pumped. Just like that, I’m ready to play.
One of the hardest questions for me to answer is “What’s your favorite song?” It seems simple, yet it is impossible to answer. My favorite song when? When I’m sad I’d have to say it would be any song by Ed Sheeran. When I’m happy, I’d have go with some catchy alternative music or that kind of feel-good country music you don’t normally hear on the radio. When I am feeling dramatic I‘ll typically turn on that 90.9 classical music radio station full blast, or blare film scores from my ipod, making every single movement seem that much more epic. But even then, these answers are constantly changing. I love music too much to narrow it down to just one song.
There is nothing better than that sense of accomplishment when you know all the words to a song. Whether you like a song or not, once you know the words it is almost impossible to do anything but sing along or mouth the words. Personally, one of the most impressive things is to be able to rap along with your favorite rappers. This includes artists such as Eminem, Macklemore, Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z, and Lil Wayne. One thing they all have in common is their fast lyrics (which can also be very clever). If you want to impress your friends, learn these lyrics, and when their next song comes on the radio, you can show your stuff. Rap like nobody’s watching, because I can guarantee the people who are watching will be nothing but impressed and jealous of your ability to spit fire like one of the greats.

While all these personal uses for music are very important, just think about where this world would be without music. We’d have no national anthem, no concerts, and nothing but talk radio (who would want to listen to that 24/7?) Music has the power to break the language barrier across the world. Everyone understands music, and everyone can relate to the different moods it brings about.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Good Weekend

One of the things most important to a typical teenager’s lifestyle is those weekend plans. While spending the whole week in class, focused on getting those good grades, one cannot help but think about what fun things they will be rewarded with in the upcoming weekend. For some, a nice night in with some friends -- or even with your beloved dog -- in front of the TV watching scary movies or finishing the TV show you’re currently obsessed with is enough. But for others, one weekend might take the entire preceding week to plan; making sure that every hour of the two and half days with no school are all mapped out.
The key to having a good weekend, every weekend, is variety. Doing the same things week to week can be boring. This is why it is best to start your planning early. If you haven’t started planning by Wednesday, you’re in trouble. This may result in frantic search for plans -- or even worse -- no plans at all. In high school this is never a good thing. Even something as simple as hanging out with a family member one night counts as a plan. Other plans might include hanging out with a group of your friends by the fire; catching the latest school production; attending a concert or a movie; watching a movie at home; the list goes on. The possibilities are endless! And once a plan, or at least a general idea of what you are going to do, is in place, you can relax and focus on those thousands of tests and quizzes teachers love to give on Fridays.
Once that final bell rings on Friday, and you turn in your last test of the day, your weekend plans begin. The next thing to think about while your weekend carries on as normal is anything but school. School work is not to be done or thought about on Friday nights, or even Saturday nights. School work is meant for weeknights, or even during the day on the weekend. Spend the nights with friends, or relaxing at your house, not worrying about school. Too much stress is never good for the body, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Help to relieve that constant stress of school by focusing on other things. I mean that’s why they give us the measly two days off, right?

Weekends are meant to be a relaxing a break from school and work. Teenagers look forward to them to have fun and spend time with their friends, away from school. Rebecca Black wasn’t so wrong when she sang the words “Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday. Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend.” While that song is super annoying, yet somewhat catchy, it speaks the truth. Without a good weekend planned, the entire week of school seems much longer and tougher to get through. Fun weekends are a teenager’s motivation to finish off the week strong, and relieve stress for all.

Friday, November 8, 2013

"Craft" Club

“Craft” Club: Part One
*this is all completely made up

I sat there waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. 15 minutes late, as usual. They wanted to do this club, the least they could do was show up to the art room on time once in their lives. Matt comes running in carrying all is textbooks. “Sorry I was in a quick meeting with the Math-letes, our first competition is next week!”
“Whatever’ I sigh. We are still missing 3 other people. It’s annoying how they don’t take any of this as seriously as I do. It’s my passion, and I thought it was all of theirs too. That’s why we started this club in the first place. I was missing volleyball practice for this meeting. That shows you I’m dedicated.
In walked Trina and Karl about 10 minutes later. Trina’s excuse was the classic “Sorry, I was at a cheer squad meeting. Last one of the year, promise.” Karl’s was your typical freshman excuse.
“Sorry, I was calling my mom about my ride home from school.”
“Alright well now that you’re all here, finally, we should get started.” I began, “All cell-phones in the basket.” I held out the basket until 3 phones were placed inside. I then added mine to the mix. It was always a club rule that there was no use of cell phones in the meetings. We had agreed on that rule day one. It was the best way to keep what went on in this meeting as focused and as secretive as possible. “Okay last time we were discussing what the next challenge would be. We had a list of possibilities.” I hung up the chart from the previous meeting. I read them out loud, “1) Robbery 2) Murder 3) Kidnapping.” As I read the last option, whispers erupted from the 3 members.
“Let’s do that one!” Trina exclaimed. Everyone else nodded in agreement.
“It would be the most exciting to plan out.” Karl added. “What do you think Claire?” I thought about it. Yes, it would be fun to plan out, and although the subject matter is a little dark, its not like we’d be committing the actual crime.
“I think it sounds perfect,” I replied.
We all sat down and began planning out the perfect crime. We figured out whom we’d be hypothetically kidnapping and how it would be done. It may sound kind of strange – participating in a sort of Crime Club, where we’d plan out crimes that we vowed to never actually commit – but it was something we were all fascinated in. In fact, all 4 of us hoped to one day become detectives who investigate these types of crimes for a living. Why not get a head start on learning how criminals think? We saw no harm in it. But we realized how strange it sounded, so we kept it a secret. When people asked us why we meant in the art room after school on Thursdays, we told them it was for Craft Club. People questioned it at first. Why would 4 people from completely different social circles find common interest in crafting? But eventually the questions died down and our peers left us alone.
“Okay, so we’ll just jump out while she’s on her morning run and grab her?” Matt said. “Sounds easy enough.”
“But she’s a runner obviously, so she could easily get away.” Trina made a good point. We had chosen a target; a girl who goes to the other high school and runs on the cross-country team. There were some advantages and disadvantages to this choice. We thought it would be easier because she would always be out running by herself – easy access. It would be harder though because she is in high school, meaning she is smarter than the average kidnap candidate who would be under the age of 12. We decided to use a trash bag to blind the victim and then have the inside of the bag be laced with some sort of toxin that would sedate her.
We worked out all the kinks, and after an hour of thought-provoking discussion we went home. One day I’ll be solving crimes like these, I thought to myself. I couldn’t wait to solve real cases rather than developing fake ones. Sometimes I felt guilty for planning these crimes, but I knew I would never have the heart to carry them out, so that helped me to feel at ease. If anything we were just a group of kids making up stories – stories that could later help local police departments solve cases much like the ones we created.  I saw no problem with our “craft” club. At least I used not to.
All of that changed on the following Sunday morning. I got up like I always did, and walked downstairs. It was already noon. I walked into the kitchen. “Good morning sleepy-head,” my mom greeted me. I grabbed one of the remaining pieces of bacon from the plate on the counter. As I walked to the cupboard to grab a mug and pour myself some coffee, my mom asked if I had heard the news.
“No, what news,” I replied drowsily.
“About that cross-country runner? I think she is your age. She’s gone missing. It’s just terrible. I mean just imagine how the fam—“
“Wait, she’s missing!” I interrupted her. “Who is it? Does she go to the other high school?”
“Why yes I do believe so,” my mom seemed confused as to why I was so concerned. “My understanding is that the authorities believe she was taken on her run this morning.” I froze. No, it can’t be true. My mother is probably just confused. Or maybe this is all just a big coincidence.
“Wow” is all I could say back. My thoughts were racing.
“Yeah and the only piece of evidence they found was a small part of a household garbage bag.”
My mouth fell open and my mug shattered against the floor.


Monday, November 4, 2013

True Friend

As much as we wish it was, making friends is not quite as simple as pointing out somebody in a crowd and saying, “I want you.” Maybe when we were five, that would have passed as an acceptable friendship-making technique, but as we get older, more factors come in to play. According to social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, you may have hundreds of ‘friends’ and ‘followers,’ most of whom know nothing about who you are or what you’ve been through. A true friend is not someone who can be gained with the click of a button or the pointing of a finger. True friends are your real friends. They are the kind of people you can trust with anything. They are the kind of people that will always have your back. Finding them is difficult, and once found, it is almost impossible to notice what you have until the relationship faces one defining moment that tests its strength. It takes being a true friend in return, to see the actual impact you have on each other's lives.
Real friends care for one another. Caring for somebody is more complex than just listening to what they have to say and nodding your head. Its about asking them questions, being sincere when you respond, and making listening to what they have to say of top priority. A true friend is someone you should feel comfortable telling your problems to, and you should feel confident in that they will listen intently and give the best advice they can. A true friend doesn’t sit there and listen to you talk about something in your life for 10 minutes and reply with the classic “Yeah that sucks,” or the other typical response, “Oh that’s cool.”  They always support you and help you to see the other side of the situation more clearly.
A true friend will not be afraid to tell you what you don’t want to hear, which is why they are best when you are in need of advice. Sometimes the truth hurts, but people need to hear it. And it is best to be told by a best friend rather than a stranger who may come off as sounding offensive. Hearing something as simple as “You probably shouldn’t wear that,” or “Maybe he was right” sound much better and will be taken much more seriously when coming from a good friend.
As teenagers, friends are easily the ones we are most influenced by. Although we might try and deny it, our friends opinions have a momentous impact on how we think and speak. That being said, a genuine friend should always wish the best for you and not for themselves. They need to put you first when you come to them, and you should do the same for them when they come to you for advice. Also, throughout one’s teenage years, a lot happens. Managing grades, sports, a social life, and applying to colleges all occur within such a short period of time. This is where friends play a crucial role, and are needed most. True friends can relate to one another, and know exactly how the other thinks. A trustworthy friend can help you through anything, staying loyal and honest throughout every situation.
Friends are the few people who know you for you. They shouldn’t judge what you do or say, because thats not what being friends with someone is about. People in general shouldn’t try and change who you are, especially those you consider your friends. When you are nervous about something, a common piece of advice given is just to be yourself. How can one be themselves when they are constantly expected to be someone else? That's one thing we can’t change about the world around us, but in front of our own friends, we should honestly be able to be ourselves. That’s how you know you are truly friends with someone because it is when you feel the most comfortable. You might make mistakes or mess up here and there, but a true friend will always forgive you.
A true friend is someone who is always there for you. A true friend is someone who is always loyal, honest and trustworthy. A true friend cannot be defined by a number on your friend or follower counts on social media sites. A true friend is not necessarily a label. It is a characteristic; a trait that somebody possesses showing you everyday that they are keeping your best interest in mind.